Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 4

Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling too well yesterday so I was not able post a blog. I am feeling a ton better today, so I figure that I'd better get you up to speed about what happened on Sunday.

Let's just say that church here is VERY different than church at home. When I first walked in, I was overcome by the sound of the whole congregation singing at the top of their lungs. Everybody was dancing and praising the Lord. Something that I think is really neat is how nobody cares if people are looking at them, or what people think about them, all they care about is praising the Lord.

When the choir (which is AMAZING by the way) was finished, pastor said that it was time to greet each other. Everyone started going up and down the rows hugging each other, and saying how thankful they were that we were at church. It really made me feel welcome.

Another unique aspect of the service was when everybody was praying. Everybody was praying in a different language! It was almost like a hum throughout the church of people praying and thanking Jesus for all he has done for them.

After some more beautiful singing, Pastor Kumalo called us up to the front the church so that the congregation could give us a " proper South African welcome". That was amazing! Left and right, people were singing, dancing, and clapping. Pastor Kumalo was even dancing!

The children's choir started to sing next. The children's choir is made up of students from St. Peter College. They sang two songs. One was about how we are all a part of God's body, and the other song was about asking God to bless and protect the children. It's amazing to me that at such a young age these kids have such amazing voices! At the end of the service, they even got an encore!

After the service was over, the ladies who make all of the food for the preschool and college put on a huge feast for everyone! From what I heard, the food was delicious!!!

Sunday was such a fun day!


  1. Alyssa:

    Glad you are better! God will provide. How great to hear about the power of the Holy Spirit in the worship service! Your descriptions make us feel like we are there. Praying that your eyes and heart continue to see God's goodness, power and love in Africa, and that through your trip lives are impacted for His glory. Love, The Picchiottis

  2. Alyssa,

    I'm so happy you're feeling better! I was so worried when my mom said you were feeling sick!!!!! I'm so glad that you're back on your feet so quickly!!! I know God continues inspire you in miraculous ways!!!!! And when you get back, you can show me all your pictures, and i can show you (the best) reruns of the olympics(trust me, i know which ones are worth watching because i've been watching them for 10 days straight! I love you and keep having fun!!!!

    your buddy, Grace

  3. Hi Alyssa!

    I am glad you are feeling better!! I can't wait to hear more about it. I will pray that you don't get sick again.

    The singing sounds so cool. I hope you keep having a great time!!!!


  4. Hey Alyssa!

    Yea, God!!! So glad you are better!

    The boys loved the photos! I think Johnny is still waiting for a snake one!! :) Did you catch any Black Mambas yet? :)

    I love your posts! So fun to hear all you are experiencing. What a neat way to remember this trip and all God is doing through you.

    The Ryg Family

  5. Alyssa! I am so happy you are feeling better. What an amazing worship experience SP is! Isn't it cool when everyone prays out loud at the same time! It's so overwhelming! It's truly amazing to think that God hears all of our prayers all the time (even with tons of people talking to him in tons of different languages, about so many different things). He is SO powerful! I'm praying that He is revealing more and more of Himself to you and the people you are touching. May God continue to bless you! Love, Miss Schmidt
