Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day Six

Yesterday was probably the busiest day we have had yet. We started off the school day by going into each of the classrooms and talking to them. We split into groups of boys and girls and had the kids ask Sean and I questions. Then we reversed it and Sean and I asked them some questions. It was interesting to hear that some of the girls favorite songs are high school musical. I had no idea they had some of those types of things that we have  in the US!

Another neat thing was that Sean and I were able to talk to the kids about our favorite bible verses. Philippians 4:13 is my favorite verse so I explained to the kids that even when we are tired, or if school is hard, if we pray to God he will give us the strength to make it through it. If was fun to see them start to understand what the verse actually means.

Finally with each of the classes we handed out some friendship bracelets and cards that the kids in St Peter Summer Days Camp made. The kids were so  excited to hear from the children in America and wear their friendship bracelets! They could'nt wait to write back to them!

The last thing that we did with the students was hand out some bags of candy to all of the kids. Although there are a lot of differences between south Africa and the United States at least one thing is the same. Kids LOVE candy! Their faces lit up when they received their bag of candy. It was a wonderful to see how thankful the children are and it really makes me think how I especially need to be more thankful in my own life.

To finish off the day we ate dinner with the missionary teachers and Pastor Kumalo. It has been really fun to talk to them and get to know them. I think they are so brave to be willing to leave home to go and teach in South Africa for two years! Their faith truly is inspiring!


  1. Hey Alyssa!

    So great to get your post! So encouraged by your favorite verse and how you are living out Phil 4:13 this week!

    Christ is strengthening you with every step! We have been blessed by all you have shared! I know the children have been blessed as well especially with the love and candy! :)

    Have a great time! ~ Jonathan
    We miss you! ~ Joshua
    I miss you too! ~ Jared

    Oh, I also wanted you to know that I think the animals will miss you as well!

    Yeah...they actually made a video for you. I tried to post it on YouTube, but could not figure out how. So, I posted it in a blog post on my blog. Please check it out when you have time! :)

    Just click the link here:

    We love you,
    The Rygs

    1. Hi,

      Okay, the above link is not working when you click it, so just copy and paste it into your address bar thingy. I guess the animals don't really know how to do links yet... :)

      Mrs. Ryg

  2. Hey Alyssa!

    I bet you are excited to come home soon! It will be fun to see the photos! You have done a lot of cool things.

    I will pray for your safety for the rest of the trip.

    Love ,
