Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 3

Today was definitely an adventure. In the morning we got up and drove to a nature reserve. There were wild animals all over. We even saw some zebras! It was awesome! Also in the nature preserve there were replicas of tribal houses from the Ndebele, Zulu, and Swazi tribes. It was pretty funny seeing everybody trying to get in and out of the tiny huts! In the preserve as well, there was an abandoned town. The town was built for missionaries and their families. It also had a church. It was really cool because it is the second Lutheran church built in South Africa.

From the nature reserve we went to another animal preserve. Little did we know that when we drove through the gate we would be greeted by two huge rhinos! It was amazing (and also a bit scary) to be so close to them! We took a drive around and saw lions( which were also awesome yet a bit scary), a cheetah, and two more rhinos! It was so cool to be so close to God's wonderful creation.

Random Animal Sighting of the Day: On our way to the church we saw two baboons walking in the middle of the road :)

We then went to one of St. Peter's satellite churches. The people there were so welcoming and hospitable. You could really see the love of Jesus shining in them. They sang a song for us, and they ( like most people I've come across) have amazing voices. It was such a kind group. I gave two of the members of the congregation the friendship bracelets I had on. You wouldn't believe how happy they were to receive those little bracelets. Jen gave a member of the church her sunglasses, the woman was so excited! She was jumping for joy (literally). I didn't realize such small things could give others so much joy. Makes me realize that I sometimes take things for granted and should appreciate more of what I have.

Overall, today was a great day! Can't wait to go to church tomorrow and then to Kruger National Park!!!


  1. Hey Alyssa,

    I woke up in the middle of the night here (4am). I don't know what time it is there, but I wanted you to know I am praying for you.

    Your mom said you were feeling a little sick. I will pray you start feeling better. God will use everything you are going through in some way.

    Your pictures are so fun! I can't wait to show the animals to Johnny in the morning. What a cool experience!

    I love that you shared your friendship bracelets! What a neat way to show God's love, and you are right...we take so many things for granted.

    Thank you for describing your experiences so completely that we are able to learn from them as well!

    Sweet Blessings,
    Mrs. Ryg

  2. Hi Alyssa,
    Thats so cool how you gave your bracelets with them. What a amazing experience !!!!!

  3. hey ally z!!!!!!!

    I can't believe you saw all of those animals up close! I would probably wet my pants if i were in your situation! Keep having fun!!!! I am praying for you!!!! I can't wait for you to get back!!!!
    I keep on looking through the little scrap book of pictures you gave me and it makes me miss you more!!!!!! I hope the rest of your trip can be injury-free! God bless you girl friend! :))))
