Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day Seven

Sadly today was our last day with the kids, but we made the most of it! At the start of the day we gave out the remainder of the friendship bracelets and candy. The children were so excited!

Then we went into the first grade classroom and Sean was able to look through a microscope with some kids, I played a computer game with some of kids the Mr. Rudi read book to the remainder of the class. The students were especially interested in the microscope because they had never used one before.

After that Pastor Kumalo took us to a public school. The contrast between the public and private school was amazing! For one example there were 52 students in one  classroom!  Also the conditions were not nearly as good as as at St. Peter. Even though lots of things are different between the public school and St. Peter, the kids at both schools seem so excited to learn.

After visiting the school, Pastor took us to a local radio station where he broadcasts every Wednesday. He asked Sean, Mr. Rudi and I some questions  on air! It broadcasted to 500,000 people!  It was so cool! It was a bit difficult for me to talk because I am still recovering from a cold so I probably sounded a tad strange :) .

The last thing that we did today was we went to say goodbye to the students. It was really sad :( i had such a great time hanging out with the kids and getting to know them. I cant wait to come back!

Over all today was a really fun day!


  1. Dear Alyssa,

    What a fun day you had! I am sure you must be sad to be ending your time with the kids. You will have these memories for a lifetime! And these children are changed because of you. What a special blessing!

    Super fun that we now know a famous radio celebrity!!! That sounds like a fun experience!

    Looking forward to hearing all about your time!

    The Rygs

  2. Hey Alyssa!

    That is cool you were on the radio! I hope your cold is getting better!!!

    The kids will be sad when you are gone, but I bet they were really happy with all the things you did with them.

    See you soon!

